We've got the meats.....I mean timing!!!
We are ready and happy to support the timing for the 3rd Annual 2018 Devil Dog Ultras. The weather conditions might not be ideal of a race in early December. What is never ideal in the WIFI and internet connectivity within a National Park and the vast areas where humans do not live! While improvements continue to be made to infrastructure in non-human areas, some areas continue to be challenge the growing need for real time data. Please keep this in mind, be patient, as we will be doing our best through out the races with the infrastructure available to us to give you the most up to date information.
Timing for the DD100 runners will take place at two locations or checkpoints: Camp Toofy and Camp Remi. Our timing checkpoints will be Camp Toofy (aid station) and Camp Remi (The Start/Finish). A aggregate list of all locations and mileage can be found HERE for the 100M and HERE for the 100K. A runner's time will be registered as they check into each location. They will be uploaded real time as runners enter the timing checkpoints/aid stations. With our extensive timing experience within the Prince William Forest Park, some delays may occur due to connectivity. Please be patient and refer to paragraph #1.
In an effort to help your timekeepers provide you the runner and your friends on the couch with the best possible data, here are a couple of tips to help your volunteers with runner accountability:
- Keep your BIB # visible at all times.
- Call at your BIB # at your enter an aid station.
- Ensure that your timing CHIP is securely fastened to your shoe (zip-ties provided).
- If you happen to drop, give your CHIP to an aid station captain.
- Upon completing your race, hand in your CHIP to the timekeepers. This will verify that you have completed your race for your results.
For checkpoint updates throughout your runners race, CLICK HERE
Immediately after the completion of the DD100s, we will be working diligently to verify and finalize your results. While preliminary results will be available, we will post the finalized results on Monday afternoon by 4:00pm.
Race Date: December 01 and 02, 2018
The 3rd Annual Devil Dog Ultras featuring two distances, a 100-miler and a 100k, will be held on the beautiful trails of Virginia’s Prince William Forest. This loop course has friendly, rolling single-track trails — great for runners looking to move up in distance — and race support that will knock your gaiters off.
Please check back to this page periodocially for updates and the latest timing info for the Devil Dog Ultras!!!
See you on the trails on race day!
Alex and the AEI Crew
Congratulation to all the runners who participated in this weekends race. Thank you for everyone's patience over the weekend as we sought to bring the most up to date reporting of the Devildog results during the 100K and 100M events in Prince William Forest Park. Unique weather conditions and the remote location of the park can make internet connectivity a challenge. Below we have the final results for each of the races!
Happy Running,
Alex and the AEI Crew

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